The Life of The  CEO

The Life of The CEO

Being a wife, mother and teacher definitely comes with its obligations. Also, as the CEO of my own company, I’m always thinking about how I can best serve my customers – in this case my family. But, more importantly being a wife, mother and teacher means so much more than just checking ‘boxes’. It means having an impact on those around you. It means making sacrifices for the greater good of another person. It means grace when facing challenges and hardships. Being a wife, mother and teacher is something that is hard to explain to others because it’s not something you can check off a list or put into a job description – it’s who we are at our core. We are women who will love through all circumstances, give everything for our family and continue lifting up those around us because that is what puts Christ first in our lives!

Being a Wife

, Mother and Teacher Being a wife, mother and teacher is a demanding job. There’s no shortage of obligations –  And, as the CEO of my own company, I am always thinking about how I can best serve my customers (in this case family). But more importantly, being a wife, mother and teacher means so much more than just checking ‘boxes’. It means you have an impact on those around you. It means making sacrifices for the greater good of another person. It means grace when facing challenges and hardships. Being a wife, mother and teacher is something that is hard to explain to others because it’s not something you can check off a list or put into a job description – it’s who we are at our core. We are women who will love through all circumstances, give everything for our family and continue lifting up those around us because that is what puts Christ first in our lives!

Being a Mother

-in-Law One of the most important relationships in a couple’s life is that between mother and son. It is the relationship that will shape how the son sees his own partner and how they work together to raise their future children. For this reason, the mother-in-law can have such a positive or negative impact on the family unit. If she is kind and compassionate, it will help form a trusting relationship with her daughter-in-law. However, if she is critical or judgmental, it can lead to discord and resentment within the family.

Being a Teacher

& Wife As a wife, mother and teacher, I have come to learn that being a wife is not about checking off boxes. It’s about selflessly giving your time, energy, love and grace to another person. Teaching is also not about checking off boxes. It’s about impacting the lives of those around you. Going through the day-to-day tasks and challenges with a smile on your face. Taking care of your family first so that they can take care of everyone else in their life.

CEO of Your Own Company

As the CEO of my own company, I’m always thinking about how I can best serve my customers – in this case my family. But, more importantly being a wife, mother and teacher means so much more than just checking ‘boxes’. It means having an impact on those around you. It means making sacrifices for the greater good of another person. It means grace when facing challenges and hardships. Being a wife, mother and teacher is something that is hard to explain to others because it’s not something you can check off a list or put into a job description – it’s who we are at our core. We are women who will love through all circumstances, give everything for our family and continue lifting up those around us because that is what puts Christ first in our lives!

Summing it all up

What God has called me to do is very important to me, and I will continue to give my best!

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